With Photobiomodulation even insomniacs can dream
My accident was horrid for those close to me — for my family, my friends and particularly for my pal B, who was present with me on the roof that night.
My dormant brain was not cognisant of anything around me for at least a year after the events of that early December morning in 2016 – and its capacity severely reduced for a couple of years after that.
Traumatic Brain Injuries (TBIs) can have a host of effects on those that experience them, perhaps the most prominent being on memory, on sleep and on balance/coordination (the two are intrinsically linked).
In January 2018, upon discharge from A&E at Bristol’s Southmead hospital, I was mute and confined to a wheelchair. I then spent five months at a live-in rehabilitation centre, the Oxford Centre for Enablement (OCE), only the second half of which I can really remember.
Amazingly, post-A&E and the recently-discharged stages, my consciousness and my body’s function was improving by the day. It was not long after regaining this awareness of what exactly was happening to and around me that I realised the struggle to sleep. It slowly it dawned on me that I was in the throes of insomnia.
Every night was a struggle to sleep
Anyone that has ever experienced insomnia will tell you how far away you are from being helped to sleep by kind words. Hours were spent wondering why I was so incapable of falling asleep, and then more hours still spent getting frustrated at that inability.
It was at this nadir — when I was at my most sleep-deprived worst — that Photobiomodulation came in to my life: a wonder process that would eventually save my sleep, my sanity and indeed me.
Making plans for life as an insomniac
I was introduced to Rupert Molloy, founder of The Photobiomodulation Studio. I met him in December of the annus horriblis of 2020 — those horrid, nervy days that seemed to incubate a never-ending procession of bad news.
Jacob is our mutual friend; someone Rupert describes as “the most understanding, thoughtful and tolerant friend that one could have” and myself:
“He’s tall, he chatters amiably, he smiles, all the while he fidgets. Tom is restless in mind and body by day and by night; he doesn’t sleep more than two hours. Jacob is sure that Photobiomodulation will help his friend to regain something like normality. Tom is a linguist, Portuguese his principal language, he wants to be a journalist, a writer, but his thoughts are scattered and fragmented. As he talks one understands the nature of the problem.
“The right side of Tom’s skull was fractured; the side concerned with creativity, writing and art. It was some three years after the TBI that I attended Tom. Jacob described Tom as being erratic, forgetful, and unable to fall asleep.”
If I was to tell you — without any context — that something as comparatively simple as wearing a helmet with dozens of infrared lasers on one’s head for 15 minutes, twice-a-day could transform someone from an insomniac into a normal sleeper — you would understandably want proof.
Goodbye to insomnia
Rupert’s instruction was to wear the helmet for 15 minutes at a time, twice a day. I am unsure who was more amazed by the results when we studied them: not only did my time asleep almost double in just under a month, but my sleep also increased in two other metrics: sleep regularity and the time it took to fall asleep.
Now you get a glimpse of the secret weapon behind my transition from almost nightly insomnia to a 95% success rate when attempting to fall — and stay — asleep.
The magic of Photobiomodulation
Whilst now almost always being able to sleep when I want to, the quality and length of my sleep has also seen an almost 100% increase; not to mention the innumerable benefits to my focus and concentration that have been manifest since I began the journey.
A wondrous scientific and medical process has rescued my sleep and brought with it improvements for my concentration, focus, and my ability to block out background noise. Not only has it made my brain less reliant on sleep, but it has allowed it to get to sleep.
Thank you Rupert Molloy
Were this a substance, no doubt people would be talking of a new ‘wonder drug’. Were this some kind of new and exciting healthcare procedure, it would be front-page news, hailed by all.
Instead, it’s a medico-scientific innovation; one whose supposed complexity and feared intricacy scares people away from discussing it. Believe me, Photobiomodulation can change the world — please join me in spreading the word.
Tom Biggart
See the full testimony at medium.com/photobiomodulation-even-insomniacs-can-now-dream
The awesome foursome power their way to victory at the Marlow Regatta.
Victoria with her gold medal.
With Rupert’s help I can now really compete – I am a very lucky 65-year-old
Writing a testimony as Rupert’s wife is not easy – I am, after all, a little biased.
I married Rupert 10 years ago and gosh, I chose well. Not only is he a most considerate and kind person, he also has an absolutely fantastic knowledge of the body (maybe I shouldn’t have written that!).
Let me explain.
When we first met I was a very keen netball player, dancer (jive) and a recreational rower (long distances rather than racing). Rupert came to watch me play netball a couple of times and described my performance as someone running through treacle – I thought I was rather good.
This was because I had chronic back and neck pain, in fact, many other types of pain as well. When we danced together he thought it was like dancing with a wardrobe! He was absolutely spot on as I was always in a great deal of pain, but had grown to live with it over many years. I also hated walking as it hurt so much.
A few years ago we moved to Henley-on-Thames and l joined Henley Rowing Club and learnt to scull in lighter boats.
I have now been rowing for six years and recently won a race in a quad at Marlow Regatta. If I hadn’t got Rupert and Photobiomodulation Therapy in my life I wouldn’t even be able to get onto the water – or out of bed, without pain.
The Photobiomodulation Therapy under Rupert’s expertise helps me tremendously. I use the NovoTHOR Whole Body Light Pod daily and if I have a niggle I put either the Laser Cluster or the Giant Laser Cluster on my body and it’s sorted.
I am a very lucky 65-year-old who loves to compete and, with Rupert’s help, I can really go for it.
Thanks, wonderful husband.
Victoria Molloy
Without doubt Rupert’s expertise is second to none and I highly recommend him
Mark proudly displays the rowing regatta programme ad he created for the Photobiomodulation Studio.
Rupert has been treating me for various injuries, in particular those induced by playing football.
I love football but developed problems with my left Achilles tendon. With the aid of Photobiomodulation Therapy and Rupert’s expertise, the tendon is now back to normal and fully able to handle my Geggenpressing (counter pressing) approach to the beautiful game!
Then my right Achilles tendon decided that it didn’t want to be left out of the party. Rupert explained that as the left one came back to health and normality the right one went out of kilter due to the imbalance. Needless to say after more of the same wonderful treatment the result was the same: a tendon back to full health.
Without doubt Rupert’s expertise is second to none and I highly recommend him.
Mark Wójcicki
After only three sessions I am now playing pain free
Rupert was recommended to me by a longstanding friend who’s wife had been a patient and described him as a ‘magician’.
Twelve years ago I sustained a serious arm injury which impacted on my working life as a professional cellist and in my role as a Principal Player of the Academy of St. Martin in the Fields. Various physios and osteopaths have over time done enough to enable me to continue to work, but the arm never went back to normal.
However after only three sessions of Photobiomodulation Therapy with Rupert I am now playing pain free. Thank you seems a little feeble.
His intervention has brought the cello and therefore my working life back to me. The ‘magician’ has performed beyond hope.
John Heley
Photobiomodulation Therapy has now become a very important part of my health regime
I was recommended The Photobiomodulation Studio by a friend of mine whose son had used the therapy to heal his gut.
My 13-year-old son also had a course of treatment and still continues to have monthly sessions (see Viggo’s testimony below).
After seeing the benefits that my son received, in particular, from the NovoTHOR Wholebody Lightpod, I too began having sessions. Thankfully I don’t have any medical needs at the moment.
However having researched Photobiomodulation Therapy and learnt about some of the benefits that it has on mitochondria (our cell’s batteries), cell oxygenation and collagen production, it has now become a very important part of my health regime.
For more info on the Therapy’s benefits see the How it works section.
Recently I was able to have a course of weekly sessions and during that time I felt amazing: my skin was glowing and my body felt cleansed and re-energised. I continue to have monthly sessions and extra ones when I need them. I highly commend Rupert’s Photobiomodulation Studio for anyone in need of healing and also as a wellbeing regime.
I am so thankful for that recommendation as without it I wouldn’t have known of the amazing health benefits of the therapy.
We are so fortunate to have ready access to the NovoTHOR Whole body Light pod as there are currently less than 150 in the world!
Mia Gibbons
The wonderful result is that now I am able to train much harder
I started seeing Rupert Molloy because of injuries sustained during rowing and training.
I also had bad hip and knee joints as well as blocked sinuses. Using his unparalleled expertise and that clever skin conduction probe – which determined the location of the injuries – he soon discovered the roots of all of these various problems.
Then employing his array of infrared laser devices he quickly reduced the inflammation and thus promoted rapid healing.
The wonderful result is that now I am able to train much harder.
I can’t recommend Rupert highly enough – he can treat any type of joint pain and most importantly KEEP you healthy.
Viggo Gibbons
The NovoTHOR Light Pod heads North
Philip proudly prepares to launch the Whole Body Light Pod.
I discovered the potential benefits of Photobiomodulation Therapy about a year ago.
In October 2019 I invested in a handheld Photobiomodulation device, a THOR LX2. I bought it specifically to help my mum who suffers from a very rare genetic condition called Hypophosphitasia. This means that her bones and teeth don’t mineralise properly and predisposes her to pathological fractures (bones breaking for no reason) and had been largely confined to a wheelchair for nearly five years.
I used the handheld device on her twice a week initially, and then weekly. Within six weeks mum had gone from spending 80% of her time in a wheelchair to spending 80% of her time walking! As you can imagine this transformed her life completely (not to mention my dad and the rest of our family) and inspired me to make the massive decision to invest in only the eighth NovoTHOR Whole Body Light Pod in the UK and that is why NovoTHOR has made its way North.
Mum then switched to using the Light Pod weekly instead of the handheld device – not because of the reduced pain or increased mobility as the handheld device was already providing that. The big difference is the mental acuity that it’s provided. She feels that within weeks of starting to use the Light Pod she could think more clearly than she had for many years.
My whole family are now using the Light Pod and happily many people from around Yorkshire and the North are discovering the myriad benefits that it offers.
Philip Baines
I lost my hearing and found a healing magician!
One evening, about a year ago, I went to bed as a healthy and active 29-year-old and woke up the next day stone deaf!*
I felt unbalanced, dizzy and nauseous and started to suffer from tinnitus. Fortunately the hearing in my left ear came back quickly: unfortunately the hearing in my right one did not.
A subsequent audiogram proved that I was totally deaf in that ear. With only one ear, loud settings and background noise made it difficult to hear conversations.
I saw two ear, nose and throat (ENT) surgeons, neither of whom could provide an answer as to the cause and, most frustratingly, offered no solution other than a hearing aid.
Under their provision I suffered two excruciatingly painful steroid injections into my inner ear – they had hoped that it would have a positive effect. For several months I tried alternative treatments such as Reiki and Acupuncture, but to no avail.
Finally Rupert Molloy of The Photobiomodulation Studio was recommended to me. With a tuning fork, he began by performing fundamental hearing tests, to determine the type of deafness. He soon discovered that the acoustic nerve was viable and using his trigger point laser – which indicates the location of the distress – found that there was the tiniest spot, within the inner ear, that was damaged.
Armed with his trusty laser he applied red light and infrared frequencies to the area. By the end of the first session and for the first time in six months, I could hear in my right ear! My hearing continues to improve with every treatment. And if that wasn’t enough, Rupert also evaluated an old sporting injury in my upper neck and suggested possible treatments.
Rupert thank you so much, I can’t recommend you highly enough, you really are a magician!
Ed Ventham
*Ed had suffered sudden sensorineural (inner ear) hearing loss (SSHL), commonly known as sudden deafness. It is an unexplained, rapid loss of hearing either all at once or over a few days. SSHL happens because there is something wrong with the sensory organs of the inner ear. Sudden deafness frequently affects only one ear.
Ed competing in an Ironman race
After only a second session with Rupert I rowed in the Quintin Head and we came second!
For about two years I suffered with a rib injury and had to have multiple MRI scans and examinations, and specialist consultant sessions, for both my rib and back – but which found nothing – plus weekly physio sessions.
The injury was persistent and prevented me from rowing and training to the best of my ability. I needed to find a solution fast as the GB trials were once again looming and important training dates were coming up. Eventually I decided to seek the assistance of alternative therapies.
I was recommended to go and see Rupert Molloy at The Photobiomodulation Studio in Henley-on-Thames. He determined that I had suffered a myofascial injury to the deep intervertebral muscles.
Amazingly, after only the second session, I was feeling a lot stronger and the injury no longer prevented me from training. I was even able to stroke the boat at Quintin Head and came second.
To date I have had five sessions, which each included 20 minutes in the NovoTHOR Whole Body Light Pod (of which there are fewer than 150 in the world!) and I don’t have pain in my rib any longer. I have decided to incorporate Photobiomodulation into my training programme.
Rupert, thank you so much, I almost gave up of finding an effective and long-lasting solution.
For a more detailed account go to the blog: After only a second session with Rupert I rowed in the Quintin Head and we came second!
Watch the thrilling YouTube video of Oxford Brookes University squads rowing on Wimbleball Lake on Exmoor in Somerset here.
Seb Newman
My shoulder is better than before my fracture!
Who would have thought I could ever be able to do this again and it’s all down to you.
I am amazed at my shoulder strength – at the time of the fracture, doctors told me that I would never be able to get the movement and strength I used to have – I believe it is now even stronger than before!
Annie-T Simons
Rupert has been an absolute godsend in my treatment and recovery
I was fortunate enough to meet Rupert at a point when I had exhausted what I thought were all avenues of treatment for a frozen shoulder.
I was in extreme pain all of the time, unable to sleep sufficiently, and had very restricted movement. I had seen a whole range of practitioners, desperate to get help in managing my symptoms and ‘do the right thing’ towards my recovery, but with little success.
Then I met Rupert and he has been an absolute godsend in my treatment and recovery. The low-level light laser (Photobiomodulation) treatment he uses not only helped to relieve pain during treatment, but allowed him to get my joints moving again.
Rupert is experienced and personable, easy to talk to and reliable and I would highly recommend him.
Emma Newman
I am really enjoying a new range of flexibility
Whilst hobbling down the tow path, with a walking stick again – my right knee and leg not taking any body weight – I had the great fortune to bump into Rupert.
As our similar chocolate dogs ‘sniffed’, he suggested the issue most probably was not my knee but more likely to emanate from the spine; he guessed as much from having seen me scull recently with his wife, Victoria.
So it was that I was persuaded to attend The Photobiomodulation Studio which Rupert established in 2016. It was after subsequent visits to his Henley home and ‘body repair facility’ that he very diligently examined my spine and limbs using a probe for measuring skin conduction. The highest reading issued from my lower neck which he suspected was the underlying chronic problem because of a fall from a horse some 28 years earlier. I remember landing on my left side, twisting the body before hitting the ground, and breaking some bones in my spine, which were fixed after wearing an upper body plaster cast for two months.
Over a course (10 sessions) of photobiomodulation treatment – his magical ‘red light therapy’ – Rupert patiently eased my spine, improving spinal function throughout, especially the neck.
I am so extra happy that this was all achieved without pain killers, steroids or in fact any oral medication.
Thank you, Rupert, for the restoration work on my body, I am really enjoying a new range of flexibility – not to mention my stronger and aligned right leg, so more efficient rowing!
Ann Tully
I began to suffer from severe migraines and the GP said there was no cure…
When I turned 40 I started to suffer from severe migraines. I had never had them before and although initially they came monthly, they began to happen at any given moment. I could do nothing but go to bed, sometimes for up to 24 hours, and with a young family and business to run I was at my wits end.
I went to the GP and was told that it was my age. Hormonal changes were given as the cause and the treatment was strong pain killers with unpleasant side effects. I felt depressed that there wasn’t any cure and also I didn’t want to take strong medication.
Thankfully I had a fabulous nutritional therapist, Julia Charles at Nutrition for Now. She suggested that there was likely to be a reason for suddenly getting migraines and suffering them long term shouldn’t be an option.
She set about her work and in the meantime one of my clients mentioned Photobiomodulation Therapy. She told me that a lovely chap called Rupert provided treatment in his back garden studio right here in Henley-on-Thames.
Intrigued, sceptical and keen to give anything a try I went along for a 10 week course. Rupert administered the THOR laser probe to my sinus area where the migraines were most severe. I also used his amazing NovoTHOR Whole Body Light Pod.
With my changed diet and Photobiomodulation Therapy I managed two months without migraines – although I still got the odd headache. Then, just before my last two treatments, I had the worst migrane ever; I felt very disheartened. However both my therapists were keen to point out that there was no such thing as an overnight fix; alternative therapies needed time and patience!
I finished my course with Rupert and the very next day I felt terrible. I couldn't believe it, I thought I had flu! Things went from bad to worse; finally I was diagnosed with full-blown glandular fever. It was highly unpleasant and I felt gutted about my health in general.
Then at a scheduled meeting Julia explained that this was a very positive result!
She went on to explain that viruses can linger in the system for lengthy amounts of time and sometimes they need to be spurred on to work their way out of the body. She believed that along with her treatment and Photobiomodulation Therapy the virus had probably been brought to the fore. With careful supplements I was back on my feet superfast and with no long-lasting lethargy.
I contacted Rupert to let him know the good news and the amazing result – since the virus I have had no headaches and no migraines, having previously suffered them for three years.
Both therapists are amazing and the combined approach has worked for me. The road to recovery does take time but I would rather that than still be relying on heavy duty pain killers, with no explanation for the cause of my migraines.
Emma Wildgoose
Eat Real Food
I am now running better than ever before!
Rupert offers an incredible service and his knowledge of the body, the way it moves and works, is absolutely astounding.
I arrived with a back injury, unable to bend, sit or stand still but within 10 weeks I was repaired and able to function correctly. With some regular follow-up treatments I am now standing, walking and running better than ever before!
The gentle and professional approach adopted by Rupert using Photobiomodulation Therapy is great and I can’t recommend him highly enough.
Jessica Brooker
Director of Hockey at Bradfield College
Exercise and photobiomodulation – an effective combination
“I am now walking correctly and well on my way to full recovery.”
I met Rupert along a towpath one day whilst walking the dog, three months after having a hip replacement.
This kind, gentle man, couldn’t help but notice I was limping. His passion, knowledge and innate desire to help people just took over. This lovely stranger took me under his wing and introduced me to Photobiomodulation. Along with some exercise sessions and light I am now walking correctly and well on my way to full recovery.
I also introduced my wife to Rupert’s centre; we feel so fortunate to have met him and in our home town of Henley too!
Thank you Rupert Molloy (oh and his lovely wife Victoria is just fab too).
Chris Stafford-Darrall
Hazel’s dog Beau, friend of Rupert’s dog Buster
I will walk tall again
I wanted to thank you for not only your pure genius, but your utmost professionalism during my treatments. And this despite the constant distraction of my dog Beau playing with your dog Buster in the pretty cottage garden.
Gone are all the stuffy office formalities when I visit your most charming treatment studio in the heart of Henley-on-Thames – whilst partaking in state-of-the-art treatment. It’s unlike any I have tried before and I have tried many over the years.
Your devotion to helping people comes across at every photobiomodulation treatment. You truly have a calling. You have promised me that I will walk tall again and at my current height of five feet and two inches, I can hardly wait.
I am so glad to have found you.
Hazel Stafford-Darrall
Marked improvement with scar and swelling
I came to Rupert for Photobiomodulation Therapy on my hand following an operation.
The treatment took place over three weeks and I had five sessions. There was a marked improvement with the scar and swelling, together with a reduction in the numbness in some of my fingers.
I am very pleased with the result.
Pat Austin
High Wycombe